Arrested Development fans! As you probably know, the much-anticipated Season 4 will be released on Netflix May 26th. In celebration, Great Over Good is hosting an Arrested-Development themed art show Saturday, May 25th with a special appearance by

Join us at Great Over Good in Santa Ana (not Mexico) for a night of Bluth-themed art, frozen bananas, and all the Arrested Development references you can handle! Feel free to don your finest banana suits, $3,000 suits, $5,000 suits, or orange jumpsuits. Never-nudes, never fear! Cutoffs are welcome as well, as long as they effectively hide your thunder.
Doors open at 6pm. $15 at the door. If you purchased your presale tickets online, please bring your ID to the show. We will not be mailing out tickets. If you have any questions, email us at
See you there!
Great Over Good is located at:
211 E Columbine Ave Suite G
Santa Ana, CA 92707
* Presale Tickets No Longer Available *