Move it Monday: Inspire Yourself

Remember, always wake up as if something amazing is about to happen, nothing can bring you down if you put yourself in that mind frame. That being said, this week we have a fantastic video from some great ones, if I do say so myself, Wellcast compiling some of the most amazing quotes to inspire you to do what you love, staying true to who you are and loving the beautiful and unique individual you are.

Move it Monday: Life is Tough

The reason self help books don’t work for everyone is that life is unpredictable and no matter how much you want to prepare, you will fall and scrape your knee or bump your head but being assertive and being prepared can help those curve balls that Ms. Destiny likes to throw at you.  For that reason, the quote of the week is simply, “When life is tough, get a helmet.” Read more

Move it Monday

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While it is important to be inspired by someone else, never follow other paths.  Instead forge your own way and make your own choices, there is only one of you so make choices that will make you happy and proud at the end of the day.



Move it Monday

Sometimes our dreams and our passions overwhelm us and we think that there is so much to do to in so little time. It’s probably true but attempting to everything at once will not only leave you tired but also unmotivated as you will probably realize you took on too much. Success is about building a foundation. Before you are ready to take the big steps, start out Read more

Move It Monday.

Hey guys, Good Monday! Hope your weekend was fantastic. Today we will focus on how powerful our actions are. It starts with the decision of what it is we want to change. Sometimes we doubt ourselves and our power to influence change. But let’s face it, if we didn’t have it we wouldn’t have passed things like March as Women’s History Month. It’s monumental that we observe as much around us as possible and decide what we feel passionate enough to change.  Read more

Move It Monday

Good Monday! Many times we think clothes don’t matter but fashion photographer Bill Cunningham really sums it up in this quote when he says that what we wear is sometimes all we need to feel confident, especially Mondays.  Make sure you are wearing the clothes and not the other way around because you may find you feel overwhelmed by an outfit. It is supposed to make you feel good and help bring out the best in you.  So today get dressed to take on the world!

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Move it Monday

 Good monday everyone! Starting this week we will start our Mondays with a quote to inspire all of you to get going and taking one step further towards your dreams. This quote is perfect for today because let’s face it, no matter how many times we say this is the day we will start a good habit or start looking for a new job all we really do is pull the covers back up.

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